
Nimbuzz 3.3.1 (latest version) - Tabbed Chatting for Symbian for NOKIA N8

We are really proud to present the brand new Nimbuzz for Nokia Symbian. You can get your hands on this awesome version right now. One of the first things I’m sure you will notice is the beautifully redesigned Home Screen. We made the icons bigger and rearranged them in grid view so you can access the most important functions with a single touch. Even more exciting is that we added three new icons to the list: Recent Chats, N-World and Groupchat ;)

Here is the complete overview of Nimbuzz 3.3.1 for Nokia Symbian phones:

  • Three new icons added: Recent Chats, N-World and Groupchat
  • Block contacts that annoy you
  • New “Notifiable” icon – the green half moon
  • Change your password from the inside the app
  • 30% faster login
  • Redesigned Home Screen for fast access to your favorite features
The icon with a half green moon stands for Notifiable and it will appear only next to your Nimbuzz contacts that closed the Nimbuzz app but can still receive Ping notifications on the Java and Symbian phones. So when you see this icon remember that we will push your messages to your friend but it might take a while for them to see it since their app is closed.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!Couldn`t find it in the nokia store!thx again!



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